Blueberries Nutrition Facts – The nutrients you can get from blueberries

When it comes to the fruit consumption in the United States, blueberries are in the second rank when it comes to popularity. They fall second to strawberries. With this, it can be said that blueberries are not just famous. They also rank high as far as diet is concerned for the US. These will always be in blueberries nutrition facts. There are capacities for antioxidant. These are stumbled upon on spices, seasonings, vegetables and fruits. Antioxidants are necessary for health to be optimized. This is a way to combat various free radicals. These will always be bad for they damage DNA.

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More about blueberries

It is recommended for everyone to enjoy the blueberries as they are raw. Many are discouraged to resort to blueberries which are baked since there is a diminishing in the nutrition here. The best flavor can be well enjoyed if the blueberries are taken as they are. There are still many native fruits located in North America. This has been the case for a hundred of years already. Great popularity is enjoyed by blueberries. This is how it is perceived all over the world. This also concerns different cuisines which are from Asia to Mediterranean. There are ways to prepare blueberries. What are these?

There are researches about blueberry antioxidants. This goes with benefits. They are of full potential. Mostly, there is a direct implication to the nervous system of the individual. This may also be experienced by the health of the person’s brain. This is an evidence that proves blueberries to be helpful, most especially in the improvement of memory. There are studies that will support. These involve adults. The oldest person involved in the research is 76 years old. For 12 weeks, blueberries were consumed. Throughout, it was said that this improved the cognitive ability of the person. This focuses on the memory. There might be a slight difference if a person drinks in juice. Participants of the said study took 2 to almost 2 ½ cups. A good number of berries was received here. During this time, the person involved in the study was fully convinced that blueberries are indeed beneficial. They can slow down whatever problems which may transpire in the future. This may somehow be connected to aging.

There are studies which also believe that blueberries can be frozen. This may be done without any damage to the anthocyanin antioxidants which are delicate in nature. No questions were asked about this. There is a myriad of anthocyanins which may be seen in the antioxidants of blueberry. There are colorful pigments which are responsible in providing food the shades it has. This may be in red, purple and blue.

There is a low GI, or glycemic index found in berries. GI, regardless, is a common way to identify the impact of a food on the blood sugar of a person. This is realized once the blueberries were consumed. These are the implications of blueberries in the body.

Ghb Facts – What can it do for you?

Gamma Hydroxybutyrate or GHB is a popular drug for depressant. This works by slowing the travelling of the messages down to the brain and body. If there is a chemical somehow connected to GHB, it will be pointed to GBL. There is even a way to convert the earlier to the latter. This is always stated on most Ghb facts out there. Most of the time, GHB does not come with any odor and color. However, they can either be bitter or salty. They are being sold through a small bottle packaging. There are instances when blue liquid is present. This is referred to as the blue nitro. This is a less common crystal powder.

How is the aforementioned used? It can be swallowed. There are times when it is injected. It may also be inserted in the anal.

The Effects

The use of GHB does not come with any safe level at all. This means that it is always embedded with risk. It is crucial to research about the drugs before anything else. The implications may be varied depending upon the amount of it consumed. Even the drug strength has a lot to say in it. This may differ from one batch to the other. The health, weight and size of the person may also be given attention. It has to be identified if the person is used to taking the drug. Even other drugs which will coincide during the taking of GHB may modify the drug. This is why the effects may not be the same for everyone.

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After taking GHB, it will only be from 15 to 20 minutes for the effectiveness to be felt. The person in this sense will feel euphoria. There will also be an increase in the sex drive of the person. Inhibitions will lowered this way. There will be lapses on the memory. Even clumsiness and drowsiness may be apparent here. Headache may even be felt at one point.

There is a high variable in the chemical composition of the said drug. It is simple to take an amount of it. It may be complicated learning if one is overdosed already because there is no line drawing the distinction. In order to verify if one has been overdosed, trace any signs of vomiting. Do this for sweating too. If there is an irregular, or even shallow breathing, this may be confirming the overdose. The same is also true with agitation, irritation and confusion. Hallucinations may also occur. This may also be the case for memory loss and blackouts. Unconsciousness for around three to four hours can be experienced too. This is when seizure also happens. The worse is that the drug is fatal.

Regardless, GHB goes with long-term effects. These can be regular. With such, a person may be of high dependence and tolerance on the drugs. This only goes to show that the triggering of large amount of GHB is possible. Just be careful in combining it with other substances. This can be dangerous.

Treating Childhood Cancers: A Success Story: Impressive Strides Have Been Made in Curing Cancers in Children

As recently as 30 years ago, youngsters with leukemia or other types of cancer had little hope of surviving. But thanks to research breakthroughs that have led to an array of effective therapies, four out of five children with cancer today will beat their disease.

And as added dividend, many of the advances achieved in pediatric oncology have led to more effective treatments of cancers that afflict adults.

Combination therapies have helped children – and adults

Back in the 1960s and early 1970s, oncologists first began using chemotherapy agents to treat children with leukemia, a disease that had extremely high mortality rate at that time.

It soon became clear that one drug for a patient was not enough. So doctors started experimenting with the use of several drugs together.

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This treatment innovation was a major step in the battle against childhood leukemia. But even more importantly, it led to changes in the way oncologists treat adult cancers.

More recently, oncologists treating children with bone cancers discovered that a combination of surgery and chemotherapy have dramatically improved the survival rates of their young patients.

This pioneering approach also has proven to be a successful strategy in treating adult cancers.

Differences and similarities in childhood and adult cancers

Pediatric and adult cancers share a couple of common traits: uncontrolled cell growth and the ability of these cells to spread to others areas in the body.

Despite these similarities, not all cancers are alike.

For instance, most childhood cancers stem from abnormalities in critical developmental pathways. This may be one reason why the incidence of pediatric cancer is relatively stable – each year approximately 150 out of every 1 million children under age 20 are diagnosed with cancer.

But in adults, researchers now believe it is often the body’s genetic response to chronic damage from carcinogens such as cigarette smoke that leads to creation of immortality-seeking cancer cells that can turn deadly. By avoiding these harmful carcinogens, individuals can lessen their risks of cancer.

The value of clinical trials

One reason so many advances have been made in treating pediatric cancers is that a large number of children with these diseases take part in clinical trials of new medications. That is typically not the case for adult cancers.

Between 65 and 75 percent of children with cancer take part in clinical trials in North America. In adults that percentage tends to be between 3 and 5 percent.

Challenges remain

Despite the impressive progress that has been made, childhood cancers remain a formidable foe. Too many parents still receive the dreaded news that their son or daughter has a life-threatening condition.

According to experts, about 15,000 children and adolescents a year in the United States are diagnosed with cancer. Cancer kills more children than any other disease. This year more children will die of cancer than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, AIDS and congenital abnormalities put together.

The most important message for patients and their families to remember: Never give up hope. Parents of children diagnosed with cancer can visit the National Childhood Cancer Foundation to learn more.